wardell books

Suggestion and Improvement Ideas

As you know, the strength in a company lies in its ability to continuously evolve. Over time, we will install all of the systems necessary for running your company, but there will always be room for improvement. Situations will reveal themselves that require new systems, old systems will become obsolete, and existing systems will need to be upgraded. This will hold true for all of the policies, forms, tools, etc. that you develop for your business.

You and your managers may have written your systems in the first place, but who are the best people to make improvements to them? There is really no question about it. It’s the people who use the systems on a daily basis. After a while they'll find out what works well and where the problem areas are.

Suggestion and Improvement System

Your suggestion and improvement system formalizes your employees’ ability to improve their jobs. Some improvements may be made on the spot, with little more than a note to a manager letting him know about it. Others, such as those that impact other employees or affect the budget, will require special approvals.

Create your Suggestion and Improvement system.

“Managers should realize the importance of each suggestion from workers or groups of workers. Try to find what it is in each suggestion that has worth. Each suggestion and the reaction to each suggestion can build trust.”

- Shoichiro Toyoda - President, Toyota Motor Corp.

In this chapter you should have designed, shared, and made a plan to review your:

  • Cultural Objectives
  • Corporate Cultural System
  • Communication Strategy
  • Internal Communication Standards
  • Communication System
  • Grievance/Conflict Resolution System
  • Suggestion and Improvement System